1:1-projekterne er (indtil videre) to projekter der handler om indfoldet information, forsøg på at favne alt for store strukturer i for små rum, perception af størrelsesforhold, informationstab, dekonstruktion, meditation, kaosteori, utopier og storhedsvandvid…
Tegning/skabelon af Århus Domkirke i 1:1
(Overgaden, København 2001)
Tegning af Århus Domkirkes sydfacade i fuld størrelse, dvs. et papirobjekt bestående af flere store ark med et samlet areal på ca. 3600 m2 og en samlet vægt omkring 700 kg. Tegningen, der er udført med sort tusch på store, sammenlimede baner af papir, er grundet sin størrelse umulig at eksponere som udfoldet tegning.Tegningen er derfor foldet sammen og dermed transformeres den fra et to-dimensionelt værk, der virker i fladen, til et objekt af rumlig karakter, en skulptur af papirbunker på gulvet. Projektet rummer selvsagt en vis irrationalitet i og med at det meste af tegningens præcise og omhyggeligt udarbejdede information (domkirken) er foldet ind papirbunkerne og kun i et meget lille omfang er visuelt tilgængelig. På sammenfoldningernes yderside ses hist og her en kvart rundbue, lidt murværk, en halv vejrhane osv…, resten er skjult eller blot meningsløse streger. Papirbunkerne sammenholdes med en tegning af domkirken i 1:100 (serigrafi på gummi) der ophænges ved bunkerne, sÃ¥ledes at man kan få et begreb om tegningens absolutte størrelse og omfang. Objektet kan udstilles på mange måder, enten i mange små bunker, hvor evt. nogle er mere udfoldede end andre, eller helt ultimativt det hele samlet i én stor og meget indfoldet bunke. |
The 1:1 projects are (so far) two projects about folded information, attempts to embrace much too big structures inside far too small rooms, the perception of dimensions, loss of information, deconstruction, meditation, chaos theory, utopian ideas, and megalomania…
Drawing/shape of the Cathedral of Aarhus on the scale of 1:1
(Overgaden, Copenhagen, 2001)
A full sized drawing of the southern front of the Cathedral of Aarhus, that is a paper object consisting of several very large sheets with a total area of about 3.600 square metres and with a total weight of about 700 kg. The drawing, that is done in black Indian ink on large webs that are glued together, is owing to its size impossible to show as a unfolded drawing. It is therefore folded and with that it is transformed from a two-dimensional work of art to a spatial object, a sculpture of piles of paper on the floor. Obviously the project holds a certain irrationality because the most of the precise and carefully executed information (the drawing of the cathedral) is folded, and one only have visual acces to a very little part of this. On the outside of the foldings here and there one can see a quarter of round arch, some brickwork, a half weathercock etc…, the rest is hidden or just meaningless lines and strokes. The piles of paper on the floor are shown together with a drawing of the cathedral on a scale of 1:100 (serigraphy on rubber) hanging on the wall, so that one can form an idea of the absolute size and magnitude of the large drawing. The object can be exhibited in many ways, either as many small piles, where eventually some are more unfolded than others, or quite ultimate with everything assembled as one huge and very folded pile. |